
DAAD Climate Lecture Series

The DAAD hosted the first public online lecture series within the frame of its four „Global Centres for Climate and Environment“.

The video recordings of the lectures are published on the following website DAAD Climate Lecture Series – YouTube

A safe and just future for humanity on earth
Professor Johan Rockström, Potsdam Institute
of Climate Impact Research
Language: English

Land degradation in savannahs and nature-based
solutions for restoration (tbd)
Dr Lydia Olaka, University of Nairobi
Language: English/Spanish

Transition studies and post-development
Professor Alberto Acosta, Former Minister of Energy
and Mines and former President of the Constituent Assembly
of Ecuador
Language: English/Spanish

Do nature-based solutions allow for
sustainable water management?
Dr Tamara Avellan, University of Oulu
Language: English/Spanish

Global Centres for Climate and Environment as well as for Health and Pandemic Prevention – DAAD

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