

Stay up to date on all things the National Academic Contact Point Ukraine has to share.

  • Fellowships at the Käte Hamburger Research Centre at the LMU München

    The Käte Hamburger Research Centre “Dis:connectivity in processes of globalisation” at the LMU Munich invites applications for fellowships of between 6 and 12 months for the academic year 2025/2026. Applications are open to post-doctoral as well as senior researchers. Application deadline: 08.09.2024.

  • KAS: Sur-Place scholarships for students at Ukrainian universities 2024/2025

    Scholarship programme of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation in Ukraine for students at Ukrainian universities. Application deadline: 11. August 2024.

  • EAST-Donau Mentoring Programm

    The mentoring program aims to empower highly qualified women from Eastern European countries to pursue an academic career as university professor in Germany. Application deadline: December 31, 2024

  • ERA Fellowships - Green Hydrogen

    The programme is open for German and international Master's students, PhD students and postdocs in all disciplines related to green hydrogen for study, research and internships in Germany and worldwide.

  • DAAD promotes interdisciplinary Ukrainian studies

    The DAAD is funding the establishment of two centres for interdisciplinary Ukrainian studies at German universities. 

  • DAAD scholarship programme "Language, history and culture of the German minorities in CEE/CIS: further education and research stays"

    Graduates and researchers from the fields of German studies, cultural studies, social sciences and humanities with a connection to the culture and history of German minorities can now apply for a DAAD scholarship.

  • New DAAD scholarship programme: Future Ukraine: Research Grants for Ukrainian Master´s students and researchers

    From now on, Ukrainian graduates, doctoral students and postgraduates can apply for a short stay for research purposes in Germany. Funding is available for a 1-6 month research stay in Germany. Deadline: none!

  • Future Ukraine - Scholarship programme for refugees from Ukraine at German universities

    The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) supports the programme "Future Ukraine - Scholarship Programme for Refugees from Ukraine at German Universities" with funds from the Federal Foreign Office (AA).

  • Achievers wanted! The scholarship for students with a refugee background

    Under the question "How do you affirm yourself in your everyday life and distinguish yourself as a true achiever?", refugees between 20 and 30 years of age can apply for 5 scholarships within the framework of the Durchsetzer:innen scholarship in the period from 1 March 2023 to 31 March 2024.

  • Doctoral scholarships from the German Academic Scholarship Foundation

    Are you planning an unusually demanding and innovative dissertation project? Are you socially engaged? Then apply to the German Academic Scholarship Foundation for a scholarship.  Applications can be submitted at any time.




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