

Stay up to date on all things the National Academic Contact Point Ukraine has to share.

  • International Parliamentary Scholarship (IPS)

    The German Bundestag, in cooperation with Freie Universität, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin and Technische Universität Berlin, awards scholarships to young high school graduates. Application deadline: 31 July 2024

  • The role of scientific cooperation in the recovery of Ukraine

    What role does academic cooperation play in the recovery of Ukraine? Listen to the interview with Ursula Paintner, Head of the National Academic Contact Point Ukraine!

  • EAST-Donau Mentoring Programm

    The mentoring program aims to empower highly qualified women from Eastern European countries to pursue an academic career as university professor in Germany. Application deadline: December 31, 2024

  • Double diploma MA at the FSU Jena and Kyiv-Mohyla Academy

    The Master's Programme in Political Science with a Specialisation on German and European Studies is a 2-year double diploma program at both the Kyiv-Mohyla Academy in Kyiv (Ukraine) and Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena (Germany). Funding for the programme is provided by the DAAD.

  • DAAD promotes interdisciplinary Ukrainian studies

    The DAAD is funding the establishment of two centres for interdisciplinary Ukrainian studies at German universities. 

  • Video presentation "DAAD opportunities for Ukrainian academics"

    Watch the video presentation and learn more about studying in Germany and DAAD scholarships for Ukrainian postgraduate students and researchers

  • Successful counselling at Bologna Hub Peer Support II: an interim review

    Two university representatives from Slovenia and Ukraine report on their experiences with the new edition of the Bologna Hub Peer Support.

  • Support for the internationalisation of Ukrainian universities

    Ukrainian universities have made significant progress in internationalisation in recent years. The DAAD programme Supporting the Internationalisation of Ukrainian Universities, which was launched in 2019 and financed by special funds from the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, is also contributing to this.

  • New brochure "Study in Germany" in Ukrainian

    This brochure will help you to plan your studies, apply to a German university, find out about the legal requirements for your stay in Germany and much more.

  • Report: Dhoch3 training course "Teaching foreign languages digitally - with sense, joy and understanding"

    With the Dhoch3 training course "Teaching foreign languages digitally - with sense, joy and understanding", which took place on the last weekend of October in Rzeszów, Poland - not far from the Ukrainian border - the DAAD was able to fulfil an important promise to its Ukrainian partners in the fields of German studies and German as a foreign language.




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