
Welcome to the Digital Campus!

Are you affected by the war in Ukraine and would like to study in Germany? The Digital Campus supports you on your way to studying in Germany.

The Digital Campus is an online platform that helps you with orientation and preparation for your studies. What’s more, the Digital Campus wants to accompany you on your entire educational journey, no matter what point you are currently at! For this purpose, the Digital Campus in its beta version currently gathers more than 200 offers on many different topics. On the Digital Campus you will find, for example, language courses, specialised courses or self-assessments from universities and other providers. You can use these courses to prepare yourself specifically for studying in Germany.

To the Digital Campus

(Click here and register for the Digital Campus now!)

To make it easier for you to find your way around, the offers on the Digital Campus are divided into four areas:

  1. How do I find the right university?
  2. Which degree programme suits me?
  3. How do I learn German and English for successful studies?
  4. How do I get fit for my studies, career and future?

The so-called Learning Path Finder helps you keep track of your own educational journey. To do this, it structures the offers that can be found on the Digital Campus and can even recommend suitable content to you.

The Digital Campus would like to support you with offers like the following:

Wondering if you can study in Germany with your degree?
Use My GUIDE’s certificate check to find out which degree programmes your qualification is suitable for and discover different degree programmes at over 400 universities. Find out about the admission requirements for your chosen degree programme.

Would you like to know how good your German skills are or do you need a language certificate?
Take an onSET language placement test. This placement test enables universities to assign you to the appropriate language course. With the “Test Deutsch als Fremdsprache” (TestDaF) you can prove your German language skills. The TestDaF certificate is recognised by all universities in Germany for study purposes.

Would you like to learn German?
Take a language course at DUO: The digital learning platform offers general and specialised German courses that prepare you for everyday life and studying in Germany.
Learn German online independently without a teacher, regardless of location and time (24/7) in proven Goethe quality. The training includes exercises for an entire language level between A1 and C1.

Would you like to prove your aptitude for a certain field of study and increase your chances of gaining admission at a German university?
As a central, standardised aptitude test, TestAS checks the general cognitive and subject-specific abilities of international applicants. Find out more and register for the test! Regardless of the education and grading system in your country of origin, the TestAS gives a good prognosis of your study success.

Would you like to start learning immediately and improve your knowledge and skills?
Take free, flexible online courses, participate in career success programmes and meet other learners on the Kiron Campus – specially adapted to the needs of refugees.

Would you like to find out more about your interests or prepare for your studies in Germany in terms of content and improve your skills?
Use self-assessments from RWTH Aachen University to check which degree programme suits you, or take our digital preparation and subject courses.
At the FutureLearnLab of the Lübeck University of Applied Sciences you will find digital courses from various degree programmes and subject areas so that you can get off to a good start in your studies.

The team behind the Digital Campus

The Digital Campus is a digital study preparation platform funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research and jointly developed by the DAAD, RWTH Aachen University, TH Lübeck, the Gesellschaft für Akademische Studienvorbereitung und Testentwicklung (g.a.s.t.), the Goethe-Institut and Kiron Open Higher Education. The Digital Campus will be continuously expanded with additional offers.

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