
Postgraduate Studies in Germany

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If you have already completed an undergraduate degree programme, postgraduate studies may be the logical next step.

We have collected information for you here to help you find out to what extent you can continue your academic education in Germany with a completed undergraduate degree.

Please always keep in mind that you must clarify any questions that arise with the university at which you would like to take up your studies.

Recognition of Degrees

Ukraine has been a member of the Bologna Process since 2005. This basis for the comparability of academic achievements facilitates the recognition of academic achievements throughout Europe. However, you must still have it checked whether your previously completed studies entitle you to admission to higher education in Germany.

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University of Jena

Die Alternative zum Studienkolleg: Probestudium internationa...

An der Uni Jena haben Sie die Möglichkeit, ohne Hochschulzugangsberechtigung ein Studium zu beginnen. Jetzt mehr erfahren!


Creative, Innovative, Sustainable – Study in English at TH O...

Where distances are short and networks are wide – TH OWL offers strong commitment to practical relevance and cutting-edge research.


Boost your career with the International Master‘s in Project Managemen...

Boost your career. Acquire a German Master’s degree in Data Science & Project Management. Join us at HTW Berlin – On Campus or Online!


Be part of the transition to the future shape of energy

Join our English-taught Bachelor of Science in Energy Systems Engineering and Management!


Get a truly international education!

Are you looking to study at a German university that will launch your international career? Join us at ESB Business School for a top-tier education!


The University of Mannheim – your gateway to the world!

The University of Mannheim offers the perfect combination of top-ranked degree programs, international flair, and an ideal learning environment, right in the heart of Europe.


English-taught Bachelor’s and Master’s programs at Hof University

Shape your future with our career-focused Bachelor’s and Master’s programs in English, featuring hands-on learning, internships, and strong industry connections!


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Looking to boost your IT career? Discover the international Master’s program in Professional IT Business & Digitalization at HTW Berlin!
