
Recognition of Degrees

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Ukraine has been a member of the Bologna Process since 2005. This basis for the comparability of academic achievements facilitates the recognition of academic achievements throughout Europe. However, you must still have it checked whether your previously completed studies entitle you to admission to higher education in Germany.

We hope that the following information will be of additional help to you.

Information for graduates, persons with a Bachelor’s degree or equivalent

Not every Ukrainian degree automatically entitles you to take up further studies in Germany. A Bachelor’s degree obtained abroad sometimes counts only as much as an intermediate examination in Germany and not as a degree.

Before you apply for further studies, you may have to take part in a placement test for the relevant degree programme.

Please contact your target university (usually the International Office) as soon as possible with your question about admission in order to receive an accurate assessment of your degree.

Other helpful links

To help you with the application process for studies in Germany, we would like to draw your attention to further portals and websites:

  • In the portal My GUIDE you can start planning your studies in Germany in the best possible way after registering. For example, you can carry out your admission check with the DAAD admissions database for specific study programmes. In addition, you can contact your target university directly to clarify any further questions.
  • With the help of the DAAD admissions database, you can check whether and for which type of admission (subject-specific or general) your degree is eligible for study in Germany.
  • On the DAAD website as well as on Study in Germany you will find a lot more helpful information on the topic of planning your studies in Germany”.

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