
Starting Your Studies in Germany

Student writing with a pencil in an exam booklet
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If you were not able to gain any study experience before leaving Ukraine, but now want to start studying in Germany, you will have many questions. We would like to give you a rough overview of the topics that are relevant for you before you start your studies.

In addition to answering the question of whether you meet the general requirements for university studies in Germany, we would also like to inform you about applying to universities, preparatory courses and integration into studies and the academic career.

Two students stand in front of the university's enrollment office, leafing through forms together.

University Entrance Qualification

The University Entrance Qualification (Hochschulzugangsberechtigung – HZB) is the prerequisite taking up a course of study. Find out more about the background to the HZB here.

Three students sit on a wall on campus and look at information material.

Studienkollegs - Preparatory Courses

If your Ukrainian school-leaving certificate, your Ukrainian degree or the academic achievements you have gained so far in Ukraine do not entitle you to study in Germany, you can attend a Studienkolleg (preparatory course). You find more information on these preparatory courses here.


Integration into Studies and the Academic Career

The Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and the Ministry of Culture and Science of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia use the ‘Integra’ programme and NRWege programme to fund study-related and preparatory offers regarding study at German higher education institutions.


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